It's a catch-up, brain-dump, and a hello-how-you-doing type of post

Where-oh-where to start. I wish I could plug a wire into my brain and ta-da all the jumbled up thoughts that are in there would magically appear as a sensible, un-jumbled-up string of words, sentences and paragraphs that are a joy for you to read.

Now I don’t think such a device exists (although if you know of somewhere that sells anything like it please do let me know 😆) and so I’m just going to have to go about this the hard way...... and by that I mean work my way through my thoughts and the things that I’d like to say/share with you and try to categorise them so that I tell you about similar things all at once, rather than jumping from one thing to the next.

Before I start (and I added this bit in after I’d gotten to the end and finished up), how are you? I'm not just asking out of courtesy or because I think I should ask. I'm asking because I want to know the answer. So if you have time, drop me a line with how you’re doing.

Oh, also I should caveat that I have no idea where I’m going with this post. I am winging like I’ve never winged it before!! So this is your “Get out of jail free card”....... 

Are you still with me? If so, thanks.

So where was I? Oh yes. So many thoughts and no clue where to start.

The trouble with me is that I tend to draft posts in my head when I’m walking to/from work/doing some shopping/cooking dinner (doesn’t happen often!!)/some other activity that means I can’t actually get to my laptop or phone to type down what it is I’m thinking. And then by the time I do have the time: once I’m home from work/Sienna is in bed, honestly I just cannot be bothered because I end up thinking to myself “who cares what you’ve got to say”, and so I spend another evening on the sofa watching something on the TV or scrolling through my phone reading blog posts.

Now the irony here is that these blog posts of other people’s that I read, the ones I read instead of writing my own blog posts because I’ve convinced myself no one is interested in hearing about things I’m grateful for/struggles I’ve had/my life in general, these blog posts tend to be exactly those things of other people!!

And so, as I sit here on a Saturday morning (it was 7am-ish) while the rest of my household is asleep (you can always rely on a bottle of milk at 5am to help convince your baby they want to go back to sleep for a couple more hours!!) I’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and put pen to paper once again. Because I figured that a) I actually enjoy writing these blog posts (there’s only so much creative flair I can add to a letter or email that concerns tax when I’m at my 9-5 😆) and so I can get my creative word-fix by penning a little something to you  and b) so what if no one reads this? Actually. So. What. I don’t think I’d ever considered before that when I write I should write for me, first and foremost. And the people who like it/me, and who want to read it, will. And if that’s one person, 20 people or 100 people it will only add to the enjoyment factor for me.

I feel like now is the time that, if I had a point, I would be getting to it 😉 I did warn you at the start ha ha. So what’s new with me? What’s been happening lately?

Well, lockdown was an absolute shit show. I hated every second and it’s only thanks to my husband that I made it out the other side in one piece with my sanity in tact.

I can’t tell you how I envied the people who popped up on my social media (when I got the chance to have a bit of down time) posting how many books they had read, how many new recipes they had tried, walks they went on, instruments they learned to play. Hun, I survived the day. That was my win. And sometimes even that was touch and go!!

Anyone else feel that way or am I on my own?

What else? Why does it feel that nothing else is worth writing about because Lockdown and Coronavirus has dominated my life (and the world, to be fair) like an absolute boss?! 

Lemethink..... ok so since our lockdown rules were lifted we have tried out quite a few new restaurants/cafes for lunch/brunch/breakfast and we’ve come across some absolute gems, but we’ve also come across some places that we wouldn’t touch again with a barge pole. Which is a shame as we really want to support small local businesses, but when the level of customer service is as bad as some we experienced, it makes it difficult to justify returning.

Oh yes! The husband and I had a date. We asked Sienna’s key worker from nursery if she would look after Sienna for us while we went for dinner at a local pub and she was available. So we had a few hours to, well, talk about Sienna 🤣🤣
I have actually managed to read a few books with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe being my favourite. Now to find the remaining books in the series.

Glamping. Yup we went camping for a night at Jersey zoo. By pure coincidence (although on such a small island it’s not as much as a coincidence as I like to think it was) we had friends who were also there the same night as us so we hung out with them and their three girls for a couple of hours after dinner until Sienna’s tired cries called time on our socialising.

Some people will be horrified at this, and some will be like “yeah that’s ok, nothing wrong with that”, but I started my Christmas shopping. Only two things for Sienna but at least it’s a start.

Warm weather! The weather this week has been gorgeous. I felt decidedly overdressed the other day, sitting in a window seat at the cafe at lunchtime with the sun streaming through: my woolly jumper was making me melt!!

Oh, in house-related news. Project kitchen started, stopped, started again and now we’re at a bit of a standstill. But there are only a few things left to do (albeit time consuming bits) but I think the end is in sight. It hasn’t been without its hiccups - doors not matching for a start - but I think we’re over the worst. Ha! The way I’m talking you'd be forgiven for thinking that we tackled a major project. We only had a walk knocked down and re-jigged the layout of the cabinets, but still the dust!!! That was gross!!

And take a breath. And if you’re still reading, thank you.

I hope you enjoyed whatever *that* ☝🏻 was!! 🤷🏼‍♀️



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