Word of the Year and my 20 for 20 List

2020 I’m coming for you; I hope you’re ready….

How is 2020 treating you so far? If the first thing that sprung to mind was a negative thought, I am asking you to take a moment to think again, and this time think of something positive/happy/pleasantly surprising that has happened for/to you this year. In the majority of cases I would bet that the positives outweigh the negatives, yet in that moment when we’re asked to think about how our year is going, it’s the negative/s, the minority, that spring to mind.

I’m not sure if I’m talking for most people when I say that, or if it’s just me that tends to give the negatives more air-time/brain-space than they deserve, but lately I’ve been trying to reframe the negatives. It doesn’t always work but hey, I'm only human.

OK so that was a tangent I didn’t see coming and today’s blog post (yep I should just about make it on time to stick to my “every Wednesday” timetable!) has absolutely nothing to do with that little blurb above. All I wanted to do was say hi, how you doing?!

What I wanted to talk about today was 2020 and what I hope it holds in store for me.

Are you familiar with the practice of having a word-of-the-year? In case you’re not familiar with this term, your word-of-the-year is a word you choose to adopt as your guidepost for the year.

In the words of Elizabeth Rider:

“Instead of a rigid New Year’s Resolution, a Word of the Year is your constant—yet gentle—reminder to focus on creating positive change. Use your Word of the Year to help guide your decisions and continue moving towards what you want.”

In choosing my word of the year I reflected on what behaviours I currently have that are hindering me achieving the things I want to achieve. Two things sprung instantly to mind and these two behaviours led me to decide on two words of the year. Namely, Consistency, and Imperfection (bear with me on this second one). Now I know that it’s encouraged to only choose one word but for me these two go so hand-in-hand that it’s almost impossible for me see them as two words anyway, because I can’t have one without the other.

Let me explain.

I often draft blog posts that don’t see the light of day because once it’s written I save it and fully intend to review the post, make tweaks/amendments/add to it/take bits out “later on”.  These are all things that in my mind make it a better blog post for the reader, a perfect blog post. The trouble is that I often take so long to go back and review it that by the time I’m ready to post it, the topic I’ve written about isn’t relevant anymore. And so the post is destined to see out the rest of its days marked as “Draft” and my blog doesn’t see any new content from one month to the next.

I guess my point is if I wasn’t so focused on my blog posts being perfect then I would have uploaded so many more posts. And in many cases the improvements made to the posts I write are totally disproportionate to the amount of time it has taken me to review them/change them/tweak them etc…..

So this year I am going to try and be more comfortable with posting things that I know might not be as great as they could be but are still good enough nonetheless. After all “done is better than perfect”.

And I can only truly embrace the art of being comfortable with imperfection if I am consistent with the content I write. Because if I don’t write anything the question of “is this piece perfect?” doesn’t apply to anything.

And just as I can’t have imperfect blog posts without consistency in my writing patterns, there can be/will be no consistency if I don’t accept things won’t/might not be perfect all the time (because I’d rather not write than write something that isn’t perfect.)

See, I told you they go together 😊

So this year I will try hard to do the things I love doing on a consistent basis. And at the same time embrace that I won’t get it perfect all the time, but accept and acknowledge that what I do write is good enough for what I need it to do at that moment in time. Wish me luck!

Do you have a word of the year?

The other thing I wanted to talk about was my 20 for 20 List.

I love me a list so when I saw a 20 for 20 list on a post on Pinterest I wanted to get involved. It does exactly what it says on the tin; it’s a list of 20 things to see/do/accomplish in 2020. Here’s mine:
  1. OK not great as we’re starting with one that’s for my eye only 😉
  2. Visit Sark
  3. Have a spa day/afternoon
  4. Go for dinner with Ashley
  5. Give blood again
  6. Write my book (finally!)
  7. Digital detox in the evenings
  8. Handwriting practice
  9. Cook at home once a week
  10. Review finances
  11. Bake more often
  12. Go 2 months without spending on non-essential items 
  13. Take a holiday
  14. Another one that’s just for me
  15. Ditto
  16. Read 32 books
  17. Make home-made ice-cream
  18. Write 100 facts about myself
  19. Complete a 30 day Instagram challenge
  20. Complete 2 projects at home

I reckon I stand a good chance of completing all of these and there’s a nice mixture of fun stuff – hello spa day! – and not so fun stuff – Err, yes number 12 I am looking at you right now! But overall I like what’s on the list and if when I complete them all I'll have learnt a few things along the way. What’s not to love?!?

Have you got a 20 for 20 list? Are you inspired to make one?


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