Lentern Promises

So it's that time of year again where I push myself to my very limits and decide on something to give up for Lent.

The last few years I've given up chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits and crisps. Why so much? Because if I only gave up, say, chocolate, then I'd find myself getting the pleasure out of sweets or cakes instead. So there was only one thing for it; I had to ditch the lot.

And it wasn't toooooo bad. Except when it came to the foods that fell into the "grey" area; were they on my "Lent givey up list" or weren't they? The husband and I had words over some of the things I thought I was allowed but which he blatantly thought should not cross my lips. Toffee pop-corn and ice-cream. Technically neither of those two things are a chocolate, sweet, cake, biscuit or crisps.....come on, one of them is a vegetable for heaven sake! But, after two years I don't mind admitting that I do see his point and eating the pop-corn was stretching/bending the rules a little bit too far.

But this year I fancied giving myself a new challenge. I don't know if you saw my "January's Beautiful Buys" post, but the idea is that I catalogue all of the gorgeous things I buy each month. And after January's hoard, and February's post coming along nicely [even to the point that a friend said "you've bought all of that in 16 days? I don't even buy that much in two months"] it struck me that something that would test me and really challenge me would be to give up buying treats for myself.

And with the experience of the "what's allowed and what's not" debate with the husband I decided to have it out with him this morning and set out the "rules" of what counts as a treat for myself.

So as of tomorrow, and until Easter Sunday, I am not allowed to buy for myself. This includes [and this really hurts]:

  • Flowers for the apartment
  • Getting my nails done
  • Anything for the apartment that is not essential, picture frames, pretty garlands, heart shaped trinkets (or any shaped trinkets for that matter)
  • Basically anything that makes me smile and is really pretty

Looking on the bright side I am allowed to get my hair done and buy hosiery as and when it's needed. Woo hoo!!!

So today may see me frantically rushing out at lunchtime to get my last fill of shopping before Lent starts.

The good news is that my bank balance should look ever-so healthy come Easter morning.

Are you giving anything up for Lent? Or how about a promise to do something extra? Good luck with whatever challenge you set yourself.


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