A crazy busy, but lovely weekend

This last weekend I went home for the weekend. It was a very flying and fleeting visit; I touched down in Southend at 4:10pm Saturday afternoon and left again at 7:10pm Sunday evening.

The main purpose for my visit home was to attend a drinks party organised by two very good and close friends of ours who were celebrating being together for 20 years. Twenty years! That is a mighty long time and when the invitation arrived I knew that, without a doubt, we would be at the gathering come hell or high water.

Now in a slight oversight on my part (and that of my husband’s – but mainly mine) I had no car insurance meaning I couldn’t drive to the party.  We couldn’t get a lift as everyone else – parents and sister – was already out. The train was just a looooooooong mission, so the only option was to jump in a cab……..laden with Champagne, Rose wine and some red…..maybe not being able to drive wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

Unsurprisingly the food, drink and hospitality were first class and a perfect time was had by all. Thank you Charlotte and Mark for a gorgeous evening and congratulations again on reaching such a wonderful milestone. Here’s to the next twenty………



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